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ADRC Minutes 02-03-2011
February 3, 2011, 5:45 p.m.

Members present: Rob Clapper, Marshall Montana, Charlie Regulbuto, Sue LArsen
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

Chairman Rob Clapper called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.

  • App 11-05P, FedEx Ground – request for a site plan approval to construct approx. 288,901 sf in two phases, on 60+ acres of property located on the northerly side of Sullivan Ave. and easterly side of Kennedy Road, I zone
Jay Ussery, engineer with JR Russo & Assocaites, gave an overview of the project. The plan calls for a 301,000+ square foot distribution facility, to be constructed in two phases, on property located on the northerly side of Sullivan Ave. with access from the easterly side of Kennedy Road.  The property is 60+ acres and has frontage on both Sullivan Ave and Troy Road..

Tim Coons, project engineer for JR Russo & Associates explained the specifics of the site. A full access drive is proposed onto Kennedy Road with no direct access onto Sullivan Ave. The building will be surrounded by truck and trailer parking and the facility will be a “secured” facility with eight foot high fencing around the perimeter of the site. The fence will be black vinyl with barbed wire on top. An emergency access drive will be constructed out to Troy Road and will be controlled with a locked gate.  Other improvements include the widening of Kennedy Road and Sullivan Ave.
The grade of the property is relatively flat.  The plan is to bring in fill to raise the site to drain towards Sullivan Ave.  A seven foot high berm, planted with a variety of evergreen and deciduous plantings, will be constructed along the Sullivan Ave frontage, wrapping around the easterly side of the site.  This berm will screen the detention area as well as employee parking areas.  The engineer provided a cross-section of the views from Sullivan Ave. to demonstrate the effectiveness of the screening.

Additional landscaping includes street trees throughout the parking areas and foundation plantings are proposed around the building.  A variety of wetlands plantings will be used in the detention areas as they are intended to be wet bottom basins. The undeveloped portion of the site (towards Troy Road) will remain undisturbed.

The lighting will be 25 foot high poles with 5 shoebox type fixture along with some building mounted lighting. All lighting proposed will be full cutoff fixtures and meet the requirements of the regulations.   

Rich Kaiser with CHK Architects in Simsbury CT was present to discuss the design and materials proposed for the building. The front office building will be constructed of a ground base split block with buff tone accents and have will have a green sloping metal roof.  This block treatment will also be used on the elevation that projects towards Sullivan Ave.  The remainder of the building will be a metal panel warehouse type building and the color that has been chosen is a lighter shade of green to compliment the green roof. A colored elevation was used to illustrate the colors.

All rooftop mechanicals will be hidden within the roof structure. The only signage proposed is a sign on the building and do not intend any monument signage at this time.

The ADRC discussed the proposal.   They were pleased with the design and colors recognizing it would be only slightly visible because it was set so far from Sullivan Ave.

Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner